This blog will show you how AIS BMS work with our clients on energy reduction projects, beginning with the crucial first step of understanding your start point. We will show you that the AIS BMS Desktop audit report is compelling reading for anyone running a building or responsible for energy reduction.
Data, data everywhere, but not a jot of use?
So, we suppose you have your meter readings for your electrical, gas and water consumption? We're pretty sure you have your bills too, perhaps even a sophisticated Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) system installed?
Well that’s great, right? You have information in all sorts of places telling you how your building is performing, but have you had the opportunity to understand what it is telling you and to perhaps compare that data to benchmarks to see if there’s some room for improvement?
How do you even begin to build a picture of the performance of your building with all this information? Unless you have a way of utilising this valuable information to help you understand how your building is working it is all of little use.
Fortunately we have a great way of helping you.
My data is better than your data…
One thing that is important to know is that not all data (or reports for that matter) is created equal. Reports may indicate no issues with a building as they don’t interpret the information to a granular enough level or don’t consider the information in the building energy management system. Correctly analysed, data can show key things that would be missed by more generic approaches and provides exceptional insight into areas that require further, detailed investigation and rectification.
For example, we have produced a desktop energy audit report for a multi-tenanted office in Reading. The client presented us with a one page energy report from consultants that had been engaged to monitor the building, part of the report showed a number of traditional “top hat” graphs showing the energy consumption. The narrative on the report stated that the top hat traces looked typical and no issues were highlighted. However, this report was based on a broad average set of data per month which had the effect of smoothing out spikes in consumption, which lead to the incorrect assessment.
Our desktop energy audit report showed very significant energy spikes each evening, for one hour. It showed numerous cases of 24-hour operation and weekend consumption above expected levels. Through our process, the savings potential identified was in excess of £19,500 per year, not bad especially when you consider the fact that the building was only 50% occupied!
They will always tell you that “the first step is the most important" and we agree, but it is just as equally important to choose the right direction of your first step.
Choose to take that vital first step with AIS BMS and our award winning energy and building performance services and you have not only taken the crucial step, but you will have chosen well.