Reading this blog could help you take the first step to creating a sensible and deliverable energy and operational efficiency plan for your buildings.
In previous blogs, we have discussed the need to understand your buildings’ performance from a fundamental level and not be seduced by promises made by various brochures that land on your desk. We have also looked at how you can engage your stakeholders and get them following you and helping you deliver on the savings, operational and environmental targets you have.
In this blog I aim to explain how we begin helping you create a strategic plan for your building which involves operational and energy solutions that deliver real benefits.
Read on to find out more on our simple but effective methods that will help you drive energy waste out of your building and improve operational availability and reliability.
Taking the first step…
Our most important first step together is a detailed discussion, helping us define the objectives and requirements you have for energy savings and building performance improvements. Understanding this fully will help us derive the best way for us to work with you on delivering the savings.
One of the most effective tools we use for energy related savings is our controls energy audit. This will demonstrate where there are potential inefficiencies in your building, either through incremental user adjustments that are compounded over time or through changes in the building use that have not been reflected in the controls system.
Our second, extremely powerful tool, is the controls performance report. The CPR examines in detail, the core performance components of the building management system and provides a structured easy-to-use report that highlights where functional and operational issues lie. Often, a routine planned preventative maintenance regime may take a substantial period of time to work its way through a site until it arrives at the item displaying the issue. By using our CPR approach, your building directs your remedial works to the heart of the matter, meaning your building is restored to its fully operational state quicker. This results in reduced downtime, reduced costs through losses, reduced helpdesk complaints and keeps the building running efficiently to its design parameters.
Running a full controls energy audit and Controls Performance Report will give you the information you need to make informed decisions and to help you take the next step…
My next blog will cover some of the real issues we identify during our audit and CPR processes and the practical measures we suggest in order to mitigate the problems.
If you are responsible for a building, or a portfolio of buildings, you need to ask yourself if you can afford not to take this step…